DIY – Wooden Pendant From Thrifted Tennis Racket

DIY wooden tennis racket pendant

You may or may not know this about me, I love all things wooden. We have so many wonderful wooden pieces in our home decor, so it’s really not a stretch for me to make something just for me, with wood.  😉 I was terribly excited to make these wooden pendants from a thrifted tennis racket I found, I simply love how this simple project turned out.  I just knew this would be a perfect and fun thrifted project to share with you and the Thrifty Style Team, I hope you like it as much as I do. I’ll return to my regular scheduled thrifty home decor next time, pinky swear!

DIY wooden tennis racket pendant

The Thrifty Style Team

Thrifty Style Team


It’s the second Friday of the month and that means I’m hanging out with my thrifty friends again, YAY!   The Thrifty Style Team is hosted by  Julie over at Redhead Can Decorate. Each month the TST will be sharing inspiring and thrifty projects with you all,  you can find the whole team and all of the links to their projects at the end of my post.  Here is a wonderful sneak peek, so many amazing projects, right?!

DIY wooden tennis racket pendant


How I Made These Wooden Pendants – From a Thrifted Tennis Racket


DIY wooden tennis racket pendant

Firstly I must tell you this is a copycat project… I was so inspired by the racket pendants my friend, Sarah over at Sadie Seasongoods made… I actually tried to buy one off of her, but they were all sold out. 🙁 Being a DIYer myself, you just know I just had to try and make my own! If you’d like to check out my girl, Sarah’s version you can see that inspiring post here —>  Wooden Pendant Necklace from a Vintage Tennis Racket

Normally what happens when something inspires you, you take that idea and make it your own… I mean, I’m not reinventing the wheel at all, but I am changing a couple of little things. This is my take on these pretty wooden pendants from a thrifted tennis racket, thanks for the inspiration, Sarah! xo

DIY wooden tennis racket pendant

How I made these wooden pendants from a thrifted tennis racket:

DIY wooden tennis racket pendant

DIY wooden tennis racket pendant

  1. Firstly start with a wooden vintage tennis racket. This one is in okay shape… I wasn’t sure what it would look like on the inside the handle and was pleasantly surprised when I began slicing it.

DIY wooden tennis racket pendant

 2. You will need a chop saw, I used our miter saw and started by chopping the top of the racket off. I then started slicing the handle, figuring out the thicknesses I wanted… I ended up going a bit thinner than my inspiration.

DIY wooden tennis racket pendant

3. Sand down your pendant pieces, I used 320… you can totally use a less fine sandpaper, I found this was good enough. I sanded it by hand.

DIY wooden tennis racket pendant

4. Drill a small hole near the top of the pendant pieces.

DIY wooden tennis racket pendant

DIY wooden tennis racket pendant

5. I used assorted sizes of jump rings, I spread the rings and put them into the little holes I drilled into the pendants and gently squeezed them shut. I was able to thread some of my existing  silver chains through the jump rings. I used two different sized jump rings and ended up preferring the larger ones.

DIY wooden tennis racket pendant

6. Seal your wooden pendant, I used minwax poly, clear matte. That’s it, as easy as that, done and done.

 DIY wooden tennis racket pendant

My favourite is the longer rectangle… now, I’m on the hunt for more vintage rackets!

DIY wooden tennis racket pendant

So, what do you think, would you make a pretty wooden pendant from a thrifted tennis racket? I simply love how they turned out and will be making more, for sure. Thank you so much for stopping in today, please now won’t you join my buddies and have a peek at what my thrifty friends are up to for July.

My Thrifty Friends


Redhead Can Decorate – How to Create & Style a Sexy Rustic Suede Bracelet

The Painted Hinge – How to Use Real Flowers in Hanging Baskets

DIY Beautify – How to Get That Restoration Hardware Finish with Paint

2 Bees In A Pod – Vacation Memory Map Wreath

The How To Home – Easy and Quick Upcycled Garden Planters to Make in Minutes

Vinyet Etc. – DIY – Wooden Pendant From Thrifted Tennis Racket

Sweet Pea – Antique Mirror Makeover

What Meegan Makes – How To Make a Flower Basket from a Spice Rack

Cottage At The Crossroads – No Sew Ruffled Tea Towel

Postcards From The Ridge – Designer DIY Wall Art with Sunprints

Lora B. Create & Ponder – Repurposed Old Wood Create Tote Caddy DIY

Our Crafty Mom – Cottage Core Old Window Wall Decor

Chas’ Crazy Creations – Easy DIY Chalkboard TV Tray

Cottage On Bunker Hill – DIY Mini Flower Pot Wreath


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  • Reply Angie @ Postcards from the Ridge July 9, 2021 at 10:30 am

    Laurie, these are so pretty and stylish. You could definitely sell these at your next sale! Gorgeous!

    • Reply Laurie July 12, 2021 at 9:07 am

      I totally have to make more for the shoppe, I just love how they turned out.

  • Reply Cindy LONG July 9, 2021 at 10:33 am

    Oh my goodness, these are brilliant! I love them!! I love that vintage wood grain. Now I need to find a vintage tennis racket 😉

    • Reply Laurie July 12, 2021 at 9:07 am

      You totally have to, such an easy project and it looks so sweet!

  • Reply Cindy@CountyRoad407 July 9, 2021 at 11:33 am

    What a clever and genius idea! love it.

    • Reply Laurie July 12, 2021 at 9:06 am

      Thank you, I was so inspired by my friend Sarah, I just had to make my own. xo

  • Reply Mary Beth July 9, 2021 at 11:50 am

    These are so unique and beautiful! I would love to buy one. 🙂

    • Reply Laurie July 12, 2021 at 9:05 am

      Awww , thank you so much Mary Beth, you are so sweet! xo

  • Reply Paula@SweetPea July 9, 2021 at 4:53 pm

    When Sarah first shared these necklaces on her blog, I made bunches of them as gifts for my tennis friends. Your version is more elegant than mine and I really love it.

    • Reply Laurie July 12, 2021 at 9:05 am

      Sarah inspires me so much, I adore her projects! What a great gift idea, you are so clever! I love the way they have turned out, I have scored another racket and am hoping to make some more for our shoppe!

  • Reply Michelle @ The Painted Hinge July 10, 2021 at 4:36 pm

    This is so pretty! I can’t tell you how much I love this idea!

    • Reply Laurie July 12, 2021 at 9:04 am

      Thank you, it’s such an easy way to add some awesome vintage wood to your style! xo

  • Reply Vicki and Jenn 2 Bees in a Pod July 11, 2021 at 9:35 am

    You are beyond innovative and creative. This is so pretty!

    • Reply Laurie July 12, 2021 at 9:03 am

      Awwww, thanks ladies! xoxo

  • Reply Julie July 11, 2021 at 5:03 pm

    When I saw it I switched my post to the bracelet! They go so good together! I am obsessed with wood 🤩

    • Reply Laurie July 12, 2021 at 9:02 am

      Thanks lady! You and me both, leather and wood, my love language! 😉

  • Reply Jane July 11, 2021 at 8:00 pm

    Laurie, you have a winner on your hands!!! These look so awesome!

    • Reply Laurie July 12, 2021 at 9:01 am

      Thank you my friend, I may have scored another tennis racket to make a few more! xo

  • Reply Chas Greener July 12, 2021 at 9:05 am

    Oh my gosh what a great idea, and I love how it turned out. Thank you so much for sharing and wonderful hopping with you!

    • Reply Laurie July 12, 2021 at 10:00 am

      Thanks so much! Wonderful hopping with you too! xo

  • Reply Jennifer Howard July 13, 2021 at 9:01 am

    These are so freakin’ cute Laurie!!! I love this project!!

  • Reply Meegan July 14, 2021 at 12:13 am

    I would love to do this with my mom’s racket she used in high school! What a fun and unusual piece.

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