Vintage Rulers Repurposed into an Adorable Succulent Planter

Repurpose Vintage Folding Rulers Into Succulent Planters {Guest Post} | Vinyet Etc

Hey guys! It’s no secret around these parts that I’m kind of into vintage (that may even be a bit of an understatement) – I mean, why not work with what makes you happy and my friends, vintage and repurposing together, well that’s just the bee’s knees in my humble opinion! I’ve had this little project in my head (a very busy place) for such a long time, it feels amazing to finally be sharing it!

Repurpose Vintage Folding Rulers Into Succulent Planters | Vinyet Etc

Hanging Out On The Porch

When I wrote the tutorial for, THE SWEETEST VINTAGE REPURPOSED PLANTER IDEA over on my friends, Jane and Sonja’s blog – Sustain My Craft Habit  – I didn’t know exactly where this adorable planter would end up hanging… but today she proudly hangs out on the porch under the, BARN BOARD METAL PLANTERs we make. 

Repurpose Vintage Folding Rulers Into Succulent Planters | Vinyet Etc

Repurpose Vintage Folding Rulers Into Succulent Planters | Vinyet Etc


Repurpose Vintage Folding Rulers Into Succulent Planters | Vinyet Etc


Make All The Succulent Planters

If you like this succulent planter idea – then you are my plant loving people! And, now I don’t feel so shy for sharing ALL the succulent planters with you, YAY!


I seem to have some major plant love on the go, actually bordering on being a crazy plant lady… I mean this post, PLANTING SUCCULENTS FOR THE PORCH – where I used my favourite vintage goodies.  And this is where I say, “If loving you is wrong, I don’t wanna be right!” 

Thanks so much for stopping in today, I so appreciate hanging out with like minded creatives! xo 

AND if you are a crazy plant lady/person like me… show me all the plants!!!

For your Pinning pleasure

Vintage Rulers Repurposed into an Adorable Succulent Planter - Vinyet Etc

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  • Reply Jane @SustainMyCraftHabit May 26, 2018 at 1:29 pm

    This is such a sweet project Laurie and perfectly you! Thank you so much for sharing the post on our blog. We’re so happy to have you as a friend – many hugs.

  • Reply Cecilia May 26, 2018 at 5:10 pm

    I love every detail about this fun planter! Thanks for sharing it at our Spring Tea Party! Blessings, Cecilia @My Thrift Store Addiction

  • Reply Courtney May 27, 2018 at 2:38 am

    I love this..I wish I were better at keeping them alive, but I do have one hearty little guy that’s hanging in there! lol..pinned this in our tribe group board xo

    • Reply Laurie May 27, 2018 at 10:07 am

      Hi Courtney! Thanks so much! I have to be much better at pinning to that board, thank you for the reminder and for the pin! xo

  • Reply Stacey @ Poofing the Pillows May 27, 2018 at 3:11 pm

    Such a cute idea!!

  • Reply Cecilia May 29, 2018 at 12:53 pm

    Hello, again! Just wanted to let you know I featured your adorable planter on my blog today! Thanks again for linking up! Cecilia @My Thrift Store Addiction

  • Reply Jann Olson June 8, 2018 at 10:09 am

    Hi Laurie, I am finally finding time to do a feature post from the Tea and Roses link party. You are one of them. 🙂 Love this creative idea!

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